The first time I heard about Freaknik was in my 5:30 Political Science Class. I had no idea what it could be, so I asked my teacher. She told me that Freaknik was when all the dominantly black colleges have their Spring Break and come to Atlanta to celebrate. Well, the last time Freaknik was held was in 1999. That was the last year because the college students turned the festival into a sprawling street festival that made many Atlantans angry and finally, city officials had to shut the festival down. Since this is the first year that the festival is back, and I'm eighteen, I wanted to go to Freaknik and see what it was all about. I brought up me going in English 1101 and other students in the class told me that I shouldn't go if I want to "live" to see next class, or if I don't want to get raped and/or killed. I tried to recruit students from class to come with me, but they all said no. I even asked Mr. Murray to go with me, but he denied. :( Freaknik is from April 14-18, and I guess I am going to have to miss it this year, but i will plan better and go next year!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Valentine Day
Friday, February 19, 2010
My Favorite Vacation
My favorite vacation would have to have been the most recent one I have been on. I went to Orlando, Florida with my best friend to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and my two nephews that I haven't seen in ten years. My best friend and I were bored one day and we decided that we wanted to take a road trip. My brother and I had just recently started talking again after ten years of not talking, so Margie (my best friend) and I thought that this would be the perfect road trip getaway. We quickly packed our bags and everything we needed to be gone for eight days and the next morning we were Florida-bound. While we were down there we didn't do much but catch up with family talk. My nephews, Dante, who is two, and Justice, who just recently turned eight, are the most amazing boys I know. One night we all decided to go mini-golfing. We turned what should have been a short, thirty-minute golfing trip into a three-hour long golfing adventure. It was so much fun. Even though while I was down there I did get a little homesick, I’m glad that my brother and I are now closer then ever, the vacation was a real success and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Revision: Facebook
Friday, February 12, 2010
As we all have heard, Facebook is taking over the nation. We went from Xanga to MySpace and now Facebook is the new internet fad. Facebook has helped familes come back together. Facebook has helped people who haven't talked in years; reunite. You can't just get on for five minutes, if you log on, you get hooked for atleast half an hour. Then when time passes, you look and try to think where it went. People have facebooks from 12 years old to 80 years old, from moms to dads, from brothers to sisters, so many people have a Facebook. Facebook is a way of finding out what someone is doing at all times. There is talk about charging monthly to use Facebook in June 2010. The question is, if people have to pay for it, will they still use it? is it that good of an idea. The Facebook inventor, Mark Zuckerburg, has got to be a multimillionaire. He recently got added to the "young genious" list. Many people have been brought together because of Zuckerburg website. And we can thank him for this addiction.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Should Marijuana be legalized?
Friday, February 5, 2010
My Favorite Movie
My favorite movie would definitely have to be Pineapple Express. Pineapple Express is about a drug dealer (Saul) and a guy(Dale) that buys drugs from Saul and the crazy adventure they endure when they are the holders of the rarest marijuana known to man kind. Saul and Dale go from having a strict drug dealer/buyer relationship to hating each other, to being the very best of friends. The first time i saw this movie i thought it was stupid. The second time i saw the movie i could not stop laughing and about 3 minutes after i started watching it i fell in love and i just wanted to watch it over and over and over. So i did. Even until this day, i watch the movie at least twice a day. It will never get old to me, i know all the words by heart and i even quote parts of the movie on a daily basis. You could probably call it an obsession but i don't care, i love the movie. Somehow i ended up owning two different copies of the movie. I got one for Christmas and I bought one myself. The actors in the movie are perfect for the characters part's. The actors play their parts as if they were born to play that character. Pineapple Express truly is my favorite movie above all other movies out there.
Friday, January 29, 2010
When in Rome...
I've never really been a big fan of traveling but, if I could choose anywhere in the world to travel to, I would choose Italy. My family originated from Italy. My last name is Apruzzese, which is very Italian. I also think the scenery would be a spectacular experience to see. Italy has a lot of interesting history that I could learn about so I could learn more about my ancestors and where i came from. I would also love to eat real Italian food as in real Italian pizza instead of just Dominos or Papa Johns, or real pasta instead of Chef Boyardee. I think it would be exciting to visit the museums and other tourist sites that there are to see in Italy. i would really want to go the see the Leaning Tower of Piza, or just take a stroll through Rome. All of the cities in Italy are full of eye catching sights. Anything you would see in Italy is far from boring. Everything is fascinating and will keep you entertained for hours at a time. All in all i think Italy would be the perfect getaway trip.
Friday, January 22, 2010
oh the seasons...
The question of this week is going to be, "Out of the four Seasons, which is your favorite?" My favorite season is a tie between Spring and Fall. In the Spring, which follows right after Winter is when everything starts to warm up and the flowers start to bloom and everything starts to come back to life from the long, cold Winter. It's a very pretty time of year, and the weather is beautiful. It's hot, but not too hot. Other then Spring being a wonderful season, there is Fall, which is another great Season. Fall is when the leaves start to change color and everything starts to "die" in a sense, but to me, it represents everything changing and getting different. I love the sound of walking around outside and listening to the newly, fallen, crisp leaves crunching beneath my feet. I love the weather too. During the Fall it's starting to get cold, but its not just there yet. I like to consider it the perfect "t-shirt" weather. You can just wear a t-shirt and not a jacket and be comfortable. Summer is a nice Season, but it's too hot. Winter is my least favorite season. I just absolutely do not like cold weather. Well, i guess that sums this weeks blog up. Thanks for reading! bye.
Friday, January 15, 2010
First blog

I decided to come up with a theme for my blogs to keep it interesting and different every week. I'm going to think of a different question on every blog, and answer it. The question for this blog is going to be, "If I could pick any job for a single day, what would it be?" I would be a pilot. I think it would be cool to travel different places. In a matter of one hour, I could be in a different state, and in a matter of a few hours, I could be all the way across the country. I realize that if I could only pick the job for a day, that I probably wouldn't get to travel further then California, due to lack of time, but it'd be a lot further then where I’m getting now. Although, every time I have flown, I haven't ever had a good experience, I still think it would be really neat to go all the different states that I’ve never gotten a chance to go to. I also think it would be awesome to meet all the different kinds of people. Well, I don’t think I’ll ever get the chance to be a pilot for just one day without any prior experience or training or schooling so I guess that ends this blog, until next time, bye.